
Writers Block > Writers Boredom

my first screenplay is 7 pages in....and i'm stumped, i know the story, i know the characters, i jus dont know how to put it down on a page in script form.
Having asked advice from fellow writers the suggestions where 'just finish it' 'i've read what you have already, send me the finished one by Friday' (cos apparently deadlines help...i think not) and my personal favorite 'Drink + Think'.
so know i'm sitting at my 'puter, albeit about to leave to deliver a console drumkit to a friend an attend the last class of a course i'm on) with a bottle of cider, an all i can think is...i prefer magers to bulmers!

for now i shall leave with this, not knowing whether or not it shall even be read, believe me i could go on about children chasing pigeons with plastic axes, annoying supervisors at (potentially) new jobs and a bunch of Halloween brew ha-ha, but i must flee for quick alcohol, learnings and more alcohol.

take care internets

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