
Christmas treat turmoil

New Years = New Years Resolutions, and for me this means the same two i make every year, learn to drive and lose weight. The first is all dependant on how much money i can save (and considering i've made the choice to learn how to ride a bike instead of drive a car, that sum has shrunk significantly) but the loosing weight has wobbled, toppled and landed all the tune of a ridiculing tuba because of the Christmas Snacks!

For some reason my Mum (the official Head of Christmas in our house) gave the food buying duty to my Dad and my eldest brother, a weekend before Christmas they saddled up the family car and ventured to Iceland for cheap yet yummy pickable foodstuffs. Seeing all the deals they had the loaded up what seemed to be two trolleys worth of mini sausage rolls, Quality Streets, little sausages and Twiglets, and so after Christmas day came and went, after the massive family party we hold every boxing day became a hazy, hungover memory, our dining room is still laden with mini food and cardboard tubed nibbles, none of which can i ignore when i walk through it to the kitchen when i have aspirations of a healthy dinner!

As such, my planned 'move-about-more-don't-eat-bad-stuff' diet regime is worth nought.

Still, i've not spent any of my latest pay-check yet so hopefully i wont have to run for any buses in the near future!