
United Kingdom Smiling

Yesterday I took my little sister to McDonalds (under much protest from me, but I decided to give her a treat), walking through the high street I couldn’t help but notice the drabness an uniformity of almost everyone in sight. Everywhere I looked, old folk in shirts an slacks, young peeps in tracksuits and hoods, nearly every female had a Croyden facelift (for those not sure of this, imagine a girl with long hair who thought scraping it back to show the shape of her skull and tied with a massive scrunchie would be a good look EVERY BLOODY DAY), it made me wish I could inject some colour and smiles into these people, then in one of those epiphany moments, between the detritus of society filled bus stop and the doors to my sisters favourite restaurant it came to me……..

National Costume Day

Imagine it, everything would be better.
You need more milk? You stroll down the road dressed like a cowboy and get served by a giant chilli.
Your off to see your friend? You hop on a bus like the bunny your dressed as and are driven to your destination by a double decker driving dragon.
There would pubs full of pirates, cars full of clowns, supermarkets full of Superheroes.

For one day the United Kingdom will smile. I’m sure there would be some who think this is a dumb idea and would never work and think anyone in costume looks silly, but if enough of us are dressed up, the minority would be the boring grey be-suited monotony loving drabs and they will realise life is better when your dressed like a monster.
I’ve never started a movement before but I think (and I hope) that just by writing this, masquerade seeds will be planted and in time they will grow into a marvellous tree that’s dressed like a bush and will bring forth fruit to fill all the high streets with colour and smiles.

Join with me, make this a reality……let us have our National Costume Day


The unstoppable loss of Man Cards

Each man upon his birth is issued a set of cards, these cards are proof of his man-ness, proof that he could fight a bear if he so wished, proof that he can own power tools and never use them, proof that he can change a plug with laughable ease, however, with every act of femininity a card can be taken from him, if he was to let out a little scream at the sight of a spider or choose a croissant for breakfast instead of a bacon sarnie, he loses a card.
the lost cards can be obtained once again if he responds to the cries of 'MAN UP' by his man friends and kills that spider or sneers at the croissant and enjoys the bacony breakfast of Kings, unfortunately i fear i am beyond redemption and am willingly throwing my man cards to wind, all because of one show...


Yes, i love GLEE, I am a GLEEk, everytime i watch that show i can feel my testosterone levels dwindling but i dont care, my man cards may be turning into the female equivilent, whatever they may be, but i cant stop watching. maybe its the songs, maybe its the humour maybe its the drama....or judging by that list, maybe its the fact that GLEE doesnt really know what it is supposed to be!
it started out nice and light hearted with the neurotic but lovable Rachel (Lea Michele) and the romance seeking germaphobe Emma (Jayma Mays) but takes a turn toward proper comedy whenever Sue is onscreen (played by the excellent Jane Lynch) but the last episode on E4 suddenly took a dive into the Creek of Dawson fame, with teenage pregnancy, image obsession and drug use, of course this was all followed by a scene with chirpy music and more pretty people so you kinda forgot it went all a bit serious for a while, i have a horrible feeling they may get more serious in the show an deal with more 'issues' but hey...it cant always be all singing all dancing happy happy joy joy cos then it'd just be High School Musical TV, altho even if it was, I'd probably still wave my GLEE flag high!